Friday, January 7, 2011


I was able to catch winter wipeout last night and I swear was the funniest thing I have ever seen.  People falling getting hit in the face falling in icy water all for 5 grand. And this one girl kept getting hit over and over again falling and getting back up to get hit in the face. And the commentary of the host just makes it Hysterical.
I don’t know what it is about people getting hurt but seems everyone gets a great laugh out of it. Cause I mean worlds dumbest, world funniest videos.  The list goes on but almost always it shows some one getting hurt.  But not like I’m complaining. Love watching those kinda shows

Joe's blog

Recently Obama just returned from yet another vacation. That makes how many vacations since he took office?? I mean really how much tax’s payers money is this guy going to throw away? I mean with the massive Bail outs when he walked in office to the billions of dollars for companies who are “to big to fail” and yet they are still failing. Then the trip to India when America is struggling to survive and now Hawaii.
 I mean everything this guy has done has made absolutely no sense to me!  I mean spending Trillions of dollars like there is no tomorrow. Then printing more money thinking everything will be fine!? Is this not ringing a bell to anyone? If not this is how the great depression came about, Also how the Nazis regime rose to power. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

about me

My name Is Joseph Rigsby. I am a student at central Crossing high school. My intrest include reading hanging out with freinds and playing video games such as black ops. My favoratie bands include sabaton, hammerfall, metalica puppet master and Rhapsody of fire.

I love wacthing the buckeyes play and espicaly when we crush the hated state of
Michigan. I am also a hard core right wing "nut job" or better called a